Don’t miss Children 4 Tomorrow’s 4th Annual Symposium on Parental Alienation, Fri, October 29th on Zoom

Please join Children 4 Tomorrow for our 4th Annual Symposium: Exposing the
Deep Dark Roots of Parental Alienation, hosted virtually via Zoom on Friday,
October 29th from 8am-5pm Central Time (UTC-5). Learn about the roots of
parental alienation, its assessment, treatment, and the backlash against it
through denial and skepticism. We will:

 – Explore why children need protection from reckless, toxic parenting,
regardless of how we label the parent’s behavior
 – Learn why some children become trapped in a campaign of hatred toward a
parent while others resist
 – Unearth the psychological child abuse that is taking place through
 – Expose these roots of parental alienation to the courts to protect

Register for free at:

Our mission is to restore and heal families, enable them to be
psychologically and emotionally healthy, and stop childhood trauma and abuse
once and for all. Thanks to the support of our event underwriters, we are
proud to offer you eight (8) credit hours of Texas Continuing Education for
professionals in the field free of charge:

8 CLEs – Legal professionals, judges, & attorneys
8 CEUs – Mental Health providers (LSW, LMSW, LCSW, LPC, LMFT)
8 CPEs – Teachers & School Administrators (TEA Accredited)

Our distinguished panel of mental health, legal, and community experts will
be speaking and taking questions live on these important topics and more
virtually via Zoom.

 – Mark David Roseman, Ph.D., Keynote speaker
 – Daniel Fox, Ph.D.
 – Stephen Morrison, Ph.D.
 – Jayna Haney, MS, LPC
 – A. Michelle Jones, MSW, LCSW
 – Wendy Perry
 – Michael Hiller, J.D.
 – Tom King, J.D.
 – Petra Deeter, Ph.D.
 – And more….

Our symposium is free of charge and open to all professionals in public
health sectors, protective services, mental and behavioral health providers
and practitioners, attorneys and judges, parents, families, advocates, and
survivors. Please spread the word to colleagues, loved ones, and community

Registration/Event Link:

For more information, visit us at or call us at

About Children 4 Tomorrow: Children 4 Tomorrow is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit
organization, established in 2009 and based in Houston, Texas, to protect
children, support families and train professionals. It is a focused solution
organization that aims to break the generational cycle of domestic violence,
psychological abuse, toxic stress and ongoing trauma by addressing its root
causes that adversely affect children.  The organization raises awareness
and increase knowledge of psychological child abuse through many of its
multi-disciplinary interventions.  One of its unique programs is CFAT
(Conflict Families Assessment & Treatment) for families that have been in
and out of courts for years doing the same things getting the same results
where children are being put in the middle of the damaging chaos.

Have a Wonderful and Blessed Day!

Dwilene Lindsey, CNE, CDE, CNC
Author, Founder & Ex. Director

“Together WE CAN make a difference….”

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