FAN PAC NJ General Meeting via zoom on Friday April 1, 2022 at 7:00pm

You are invited to attend the FAN PAC NJ General Meeting via zoom on Friday April 1, 2022 at 7:00pm. Please join us at our General Meeting this Friday. The focus will be on the upcoming special event being held on April 25th in observance of Parental Alienation Awareness Day where FAN-PAC will be constructing the Wall of Hope and Love at the statehouse in Trenton NJ in honor of the love parents and family members have for children missed due to separation or divorce. Our participation outreach is both local and global as millions are affected by Parental Alienation. 

To preview event details, please visit 

We look forward to seeing you there!
Click Here to Join Zoom Meeting
Mental Health Self-Care Directory
 Many of our members have expressed difficulty in managing the additional stresses caused by the ongoing pandemic-related restrictions, having the other parent limit or cut off time parenting time completely. 

FAN-PAC is committed to partnering with professionals throughout the state who understand the unique challenges and possibilities of these parents and working with them to minimize the emotional barriers many face.  Many as I’m sure you are aware suffer from emotional trauma of having limited access to their children.  This level of trauma is elevated in the crisis environment we are experiencing.
Click Here to Access the Mental Health Self-Care Directory

FAN-PAC is a registered 501c-4 organization in New Jersey established to represent the interests of New Jersey’s voters and to advance these interests by advocating for policies, legislation and legislators that reflect FAN-PACs mission.  This mission is to advocate for our children in family court matters while transforming the family court to understand and implement legislation that recognizes the critical importance of having both parents involved in the raising of their children.  We intend to educate all stakeholders in the family court system about the role they play in the development of children whose parents separate and this impact on the individual family and all New Jersey’s children.  FAN-PAC is also committed to inspire this generation of children to be the next great generation by ensuring their voices are heard in the family court.
New to FAN PAC? Click Here to Learn More

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