Kayden’s Law US Senate, Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois

Kayden’s Law US Senate, Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois US Senate Bill SB3623 Title XVPennsylvania SB78New York A05398 (Kyra’s Law)Illinois HB5310 All of these bills are pending at the present. They all attempt to discredit parental alienation, restrict judges and others from knowledge about parental alienation, lower the bar for allegation of abuse charges, and many other […]


FRIENDS! ANNUAL TEEN SUMMIT IN BARTOW, FLORIDA! May 6, 2023, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm The Healthy Start Coalition of Hardee, Highlands, and Polk Counties, Inc.’s Teen Pregnancy Prevention Alliance (TPPA) would like to invite you to participate in their upcoming annual Teen Summit on Saturday, May 6! Learn about parenting, coaching, healthy living, […]

Turn on the Light National Conference on the Wellbeing of Children and Families

Education… Resources… Networking…   for PARENTS!   for PROFESSIONALS!   The Turn on the Light National Conference on the Wellbeing of Children and Families is a one-day conference that brings together parents, volunteers and professionals concerned with the welfare of children and families for a full day of educational and networking opportunities. LEARN  Attend a variety of workshops and presentations focused […]

33rd Annual National Suicide Prevention Conference

33rd Annual National Suicide Prevention Conference All Walks of Life May 10–12, 2023 in Halifax, Nova Scotia Atlantica Hotel Halifax – 1980 Robie St. Halifax, Nova Scotia The premiere Canadian event for exchanging knowledge on suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention.  CASP’s National Suicide Prevention Conference provides a forum for diverse perspectives including researchers, front-line clinicians, people impacted […]

Recruiting research participants for a study about parental alienation

Do you believe you are being alienated from your child(ren) by your child(ren)’s other parent?   Parental alienation is known as a form of abuse or family violence where a child rejects one parent and refuses to have any form of contact with them, while simultaneously engaging in an unhealthy alliance with the other, alienating […]

PASG – 5th International Conference, June 16-19, 2023, Fort Collins, CO

PASG 2023 5th International Conference of the Parental Alienation Study Group Parental Alienation Study Group, Inc. (PASG), is an international, not-for-profit corporation. PASG has 800 members – mostly mental health and legal professionals – from 62 countries. PASG is an organization open to anyone who reports an interest in the topic of parental alienation—personally, professionally, […]

UN ‘Parental Alienation’ Plan Will Enable Child Abusers and Worsen Child Maltreatment Around the World

PRESS RELEASE Rebecca Hain: +1-513-479-3335 Email: info@endtodv.org UN ‘Parental Alienation’ Plan Will Enable Child Abusers and Worsen Child Maltreatment Around the World WASHINGTON / December 12, 2022 – Globally, over half of all children ages 2-17 years – one billion children — experience emotional, physical, or sexual abuse each year (1).  The consequences of child maltreatment include […]


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